Saturday, May 26, 2007

Weddings and Weddings.

Jeremy and I, the coolest guys in the world. Jeremy leaves for the jungle in a few days and I am leaving for the mountains. It has been quite a legacy living with Jeremy for the past few years. Im going to miss him.
Jeremias y yo, los mas cheveres en todo el mundo. Jeremias se va a la selva mientras yo me voy a las montanas. Ha sido bien chevere viviendo con una leyenda como Jeremias los ultimos 3 anos. Lo voy a extranar.

Reval with his best men. (You may ask, if they are the best men, why are they not married yet? That's a very good question)
Reval con sus hombres mejores. (Quizas te quieres preguntar, si son los hombres mejores, porque no estan casados todavia. Es una buena pregunta.)

Isn't he beautiful guys. This is John Bonner, the pastor of our beloved church, doing a bit of remodeling on campus.
No es tan bonito? Esto es John Bonner, el pastor de nuestra iglesia querida, pintando nuestro campus.

The poor guy on with confetti on his head is Reval at his bachelor party. Spiderman masks, silly string, and a capturing and carrying to McDonalds for a little late night snack.
El pobresito con cosas en su cabello es Reval a la fiest de la ultima semana de solteria. Con mascaras del hombre de arena, le soquestramos (?) y le llevamos a McDondalds.

This is my good friend Reval right before went to get married.
Te presento mi amigo Reval justo antes de que se caso.

This is my friend Reval just after he got married.
Te presento mi amigo Reval justo despues de que se caso.

Take a look. These are some of my best friends here. All members of the church. The old man in the middle is Hugo, who was actually my student in Isaiah, along with Darwin on the far right and Johnathan the guy with the huge hair.
Miren. Estos son algunos de mis mejores amigos de Peru. Todos les conoci en la iglesia. El viejito en el medio se llama Hugo, lo cual fue mi estudiante en la clase de Isaias, justo con Darwin al lado derecho, y Johnathan, el que tiene cabello grande.

We've had a lot of weddings lately. This is Mike Steiner, my good friend from bible college, who has just joined us as an intern this last semester, y su esposa Alinn. He's now loving married life.
Hemos tenido muchas bodas recentamente. Les presento Mike Steiner, mi buen amigo del Instituo Biblico Murrietta, lo cual estaba con nosotros el semestre pasado como interno, y su nueva esposa Alinn. Ahora esta disfrutando mucho la vida casada.

Our stairs - the morning of the great prank. We could not get down the stairs.
Nuestras escelaras - la manana del gran truco. No podiamos bajar las escaleras.

The crew of Ventanilla, our outreach every weekend. Im going to miss these guys. The one in the middle with the blue shirt is Raul, he has become one of my best friends here in Peru.
Esto es el grupo que va a ventanilla nuestro alcance. Voy a extranar a ellos. El en el medio con el polo azul es Raul. Ha llegado a ser uno de mis mejores amigos aqui en Peru.

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