Thursday, December 27, 2007

It's all about the children.

Here we are the very last week at Ventanilla, the outreach I go to. The guy in the red shirt with the baby is Raul, the pastor of the church that is being planted in Ventanilla. This was the last week of over a year of work in Ventanilla.

Aqui estamos para la ultima semana en Ventanilla, el alcance a que voy normalmente. El con su polo rojo y el bebesito es Raul, el pastor de la iglesia que estamos estableciendo en Ventanilla. Esto era la ultima semana mia despues de mas de un ano en Ventanilla.

We are an intertangled web aren't we. My last night in Peru we danced the night away.

Somos una gente bien enredados no es cierto? Mi ultima noche en Peru bailabamos hasta la madrugada.

This little guy's name is Adrian. I wanted to show you a picture becuase this may be the toughest little kid you ever meet. He always hangs out with the bigger kids, he always gets hurt, and never cries, and he cut his gums (cause I banged his head against the cement accidently) and he never cried, drank some water, spit it out, and kept going.

Este chicito se llama Adrian. Quieria ensenarles su foto porque quizas esto es el nino mas fuerte y valiente que vas a ver en tu vida. Siempre para con los mas mayores, siempre se cae y nunca llora, y una semana se corto su boca (porque yo por accidente le chanke la cabaza contra el piso) y nunca lloro, bebio agua, lo escupio, y sigio.

This is us dancing to the DC Reto song "vida" a dance we'd spent many days (2 hours) preparing. Call if you want a show. We don't take credit cards, only cash and travelers checks.

Una foto de todos nosotros bailando a la cancion "vida" por DC Reto, un baile que pasomos muchos dias (2 horas) aprendiendo. Llamanos a 555-VIDA si quieres un showcito. No recibimos tarjetas, effectivo no mas.

The kids at the park play this game with me. It's really not a game, it's pretty much just destroy whoever they can time. So they try to take me and the other guys to the ground, and never (hardly ever) can.

Los ninos del parque simpre juegan este juego con nosotros. Realmente no es un juego, es "destruir a qualquier persona que podemos". Asi que tratan de tumbarnos al piso, y nunca (casi nunca) pueden.

As a last surprise for the girl, we did a special Italian dinner for them. The guy in the back with the bow tie, we ordered him for the occasion (John Gunderson). The girls were extremely blessed.

Como una ultima sorpresa para las chicas del Instito, preparamos una cena Itiliana especial para ellas. El que esta atras con su pajarita teniamos que ordenar para la ocasion (John Gunderson). Las chicas fueron muy bendecidas.

The last day of the other ministry I work at (Patchecutek), we had so many kids we could not fit them all. They all got a little check up from the doctor and got to hear a Christmas story, and each one got a gift. The Lord be praised that he blessed us with so many open doors on our outreaches.

El ultimo dia del otro ministerio a que trabajo (Pachecutec), tenemos tantos ninos que no podiamos meter a todos en el edificio. Todos recibieron una visita chicita con un doctor, escuchaban la historia de la navidad segun la biblia, y recibieron un regalo. Que Dios sea glorificado por habernos bendicido tanto con tantas puertas abiertas en nustros alcances.

Merry Christmas

Feliz Navidad

All the kids want to learn guitar. I'm just blessed that I'm now able to play the part of teacher, although I will always be a student first.

Todos quierian aprender la guitarra. Estoy bendicido de que ahora puedo llenar el papel de maestro, sin embargo siempre sere primeramente un estudiante de la guitarra.

Believe it or not, this picture is not edited. Starting from the right: Jingle Bell Jason, Crackin us up Candy, vibrantly vertical Vanessa, and Meticulously mismatched Mateo. Good friends, the kind who will be friends for the rest of my life. I've made a lot of those kind of friends in the last few years.

No hemos editado esta foto. Empazando a la deracha: Jingle Bell Jason, causando risas Candy, Vanessa Vertical, y Mateo que no se puede vestir bien. Buenos amigos son, el tipo que siempre seran mis amigos. He encontrado muchos amigos asi los ultimos 3 anos en Peru.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Iquitos, friends from the past, and a bit of silliness

This is a house in the floating city of belen (which actually means bethlehem in English). Belen is a poor city where people to go build their houses over the river because if they build over the river they don't need to pay for the property. So they build their houses with the ability to float, and then for 5 months out of the year they have a floating house. The water over which the house floats gets very dirty as well. The missionaries in Iquitos often go into the city to do ministery with the kids.

That's right guys, friends change when they go to the jungle. This is actually Jeremy, after one too many visits to the zoo.

This is the church in Iquitos in El Terminal. The one on the right is Garrett, and I think he's just itching his nose.

We got the opportunity to lead worship at the church in El Terminal for 3 services.

One sunday about 3 weeks ago the country of Peru took a census, which meant that nobody could leave their homes that sunday. Therefore church was cancelled and we were all stuck inside the college, so we went ahead and had our own church and prayed for each other.

Every body know who that goofball is. That's right, that's my family. I was blessed when my uncle Rod came out along with my cousin Cambrielle and many other very good friends from Calvary Chapel Coastlands.

While the team was here from Calvary of the Coastlands we had a huge outreach in a place called San Juan de Lurigancho. A bunch of bible college students teamed up with the team to throw a huge kids club, and to have a woman's dinner. These are the kids that came for the kids club getting ready to do a craft.

I love my family

A little costume party. It's obvious what Garrett is, don't ask me what I am. I was merciful to you all and didn't show you in the picture how short those shorts really were.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Rumble Rumble

On a bright note, my family and I saw the great capital of the Inca Nation Cusco. While we were there the Inca people actually chose my sister and I to be judges over them. We definately condemned them for being nature worshippers and not serving the true God.

Here at the Central Plaza of Canete many were coming from all over to ask the government for help. Here, we began to hand out bibles and a crowd gathered around us, which we took advantage of and preached to.

I am not sure why this guy was building this, but I imagine that it was a shelter out in front of his house in which to sleep

These are only some of the kids that we shared with as we went out to help whoever we could find in the small community of "Las Vinas".

This is an example of some of the worst destruction that I saw. These were houses here at one time, and they are completely taken apart.

Two of the walls of this guy's house had fallen down, and we just stopped for a while to help him clean up the mess.

This is a bedroom. The wall of the bedroom fell inward.

Here is my roomate Brian with a bit of the desctruction in the more central parts of Canete.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Weddings and Weddings.

Jeremy and I, the coolest guys in the world. Jeremy leaves for the jungle in a few days and I am leaving for the mountains. It has been quite a legacy living with Jeremy for the past few years. Im going to miss him.
Jeremias y yo, los mas cheveres en todo el mundo. Jeremias se va a la selva mientras yo me voy a las montanas. Ha sido bien chevere viviendo con una leyenda como Jeremias los ultimos 3 anos. Lo voy a extranar.

Reval with his best men. (You may ask, if they are the best men, why are they not married yet? That's a very good question)
Reval con sus hombres mejores. (Quizas te quieres preguntar, si son los hombres mejores, porque no estan casados todavia. Es una buena pregunta.)

Isn't he beautiful guys. This is John Bonner, the pastor of our beloved church, doing a bit of remodeling on campus.
No es tan bonito? Esto es John Bonner, el pastor de nuestra iglesia querida, pintando nuestro campus.

The poor guy on with confetti on his head is Reval at his bachelor party. Spiderman masks, silly string, and a capturing and carrying to McDonalds for a little late night snack.
El pobresito con cosas en su cabello es Reval a la fiest de la ultima semana de solteria. Con mascaras del hombre de arena, le soquestramos (?) y le llevamos a McDondalds.

This is my good friend Reval right before went to get married.
Te presento mi amigo Reval justo antes de que se caso.

This is my friend Reval just after he got married.
Te presento mi amigo Reval justo despues de que se caso.

Take a look. These are some of my best friends here. All members of the church. The old man in the middle is Hugo, who was actually my student in Isaiah, along with Darwin on the far right and Johnathan the guy with the huge hair.
Miren. Estos son algunos de mis mejores amigos de Peru. Todos les conoci en la iglesia. El viejito en el medio se llama Hugo, lo cual fue mi estudiante en la clase de Isaias, justo con Darwin al lado derecho, y Johnathan, el que tiene cabello grande.

We've had a lot of weddings lately. This is Mike Steiner, my good friend from bible college, who has just joined us as an intern this last semester, y su esposa Alinn. He's now loving married life.
Hemos tenido muchas bodas recentamente. Les presento Mike Steiner, mi buen amigo del Instituo Biblico Murrietta, lo cual estaba con nosotros el semestre pasado como interno, y su nueva esposa Alinn. Ahora esta disfrutando mucho la vida casada.

Our stairs - the morning of the great prank. We could not get down the stairs.
Nuestras escelaras - la manana del gran truco. No podiamos bajar las escaleras.

The crew of Ventanilla, our outreach every weekend. Im going to miss these guys. The one in the middle with the blue shirt is Raul, he has become one of my best friends here in Peru.
Esto es el grupo que va a ventanilla nuestro alcance. Voy a extranar a ellos. El en el medio con el polo azul es Raul. Ha llegado a ser uno de mis mejores amigos aqui en Peru.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

There they went, my glasses, and my flesh, but I did make a new friend. Isn't he adorable. His name is Ramos.
Our team plus some and a wonderful team they were

The beautiful city of Cajamarca

Believe it or not we did an outreach from the very place I stood to take this photo. Cows walking all around us, a very delicate mixture of flattened mud and cow excrement below. However, we actually talked to quite a few people this day.

I wanted to share this very special moment with you all. I laid down to take a picture next to the "sleeping" pig, and disturbed the dormant giant. The picture was taken in mid flee.

Most of our outreach occured at night in the park. We were told by the police that we could not do any big productions (dramas, music, or preaching) because of Easter week celebrations, so we went to the park every night and simply witnessed one on one. Me on the left, the man we were speaking to in the middle, and Deb Tray (a good friend and missionary) on the right.

This day we climbed an hour and a half to reach a community called Shawyo Grande in the high mountains around Cajamarca. We gave them puppets and acted out the prodical son for them. I had to be the bad son.

Pastor Diego Recarte from Lima now there in Cajamarca. He likes self portraits.

We tried to do some breakdancing with some kids in the park, and we emberassed ourselves. The one on his head is Oscar, a good friend of mine from the jungle. He was our best representative.

I got the sweet opportunity to share at Diego's church the very first morning we arrived. The people were blessed half the time (cause the Lord was speaking), and then confused half the time (because I was also Spanish).

A lion, they tried to catch him, was just not possible

A couple of the guys on the team walking in the plaza. Left to right - Katy, Andres, Candy, Orlando, and Daniel. Katy was so happy to be in Cajamarca, she spent almost the whole time just dancing like that. (jokes)

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Little of the beach, a little of the books

A few of my students from my Spanish Isaiah class. On the right is my commerade Gino, left one of my students Edgar (recently saved and on fire with the Lord), and in the middle Eda.

Jeremy makes a wonderful proverbs 31 man. Our small little group of intern guys (3 of us) had a date night, and Jeremy baked this beautiful wonderful chocolate cake.
These are some of the skateboarders that a man named Marcos Antonio and I have been ministering to every saterday at a park in a place called Ventanilla. Here they are listening to the gospel message at huge soccer skate volley outreach we did in ventenilla. Pray that I may remember their names.

The girl in front is a girl that actually lived in our house with us when we stayed in the jungle for a couple months last summer. Her name is Miriam. She tells us she is still going to church and still walking with the Lord.

A few of our precious students on a precious start of a precious day in our precious devotional time every morning.

The tall guy in the back is Garrett Baker, and heś as bored as heck. A few of the guys at the beach for our yearly aniversary celebration.

Believe it or not this guy is actually falling. No just jokes, a little capoiera (brazilian fight dancing) on the beach.
Little Jason Bonner stepped up to the plate at the Baptism a couple saterdays ago. Here he is baptizing a couple of the kids from the youth group

Im looking at you