This is a house in the floating city of belen (which actually means bethlehem in English). Belen is a poor city where people to go build their houses over the river because if they build over the river they don't need to pay for the property. So they build their houses with the ability to float, and then for 5 months out of the year they have a floating house. The water over which the house floats gets very dirty as well. The missionaries in Iquitos often go into the city to do ministery with the kids.

That's right guys, friends change when they go to the jungle. This is actually Jeremy, after one too many visits to the zoo.

This is the church in Iquitos in El Terminal. The one on the right is Garrett, and I think he's just itching his nose.

We got the opportunity to lead worship at the church in El Terminal for 3 services.

One sunday about 3 weeks ago the country of Peru took a census, which meant that nobody could leave their homes that sunday. Therefore church was cancelled and we were all stuck inside the college, so we went ahead and had our own church and prayed for each other.

Every body know who that goofball is. That's right, that's my family. I was blessed when my uncle Rod came out along with my cousin Cambrielle and many other very good friends from Calvary Chapel Coastlands.

While the team was here from Calvary of the Coastlands we had a huge outreach in a place called San Juan de Lurigancho. A bunch of bible college students teamed up with the team to throw a huge kids club, and to have a woman's dinner. These are the kids that came for the kids club getting ready to do a craft.

I love my family

A little costume party. It's obvious what Garrett is, don't ask me what I am. I was merciful to you all and didn't show you in the picture how short those shorts really were.