Our team plus some and a wonderful team they were

The beautiful city of Cajamarca

Believe it or not we did an outreach from the very place I stood to take this photo. Cows walking all around us, a very delicate mixture of flattened mud and cow excrement below. However, we actually talked to quite a few people this day.

I wanted to share this very special moment with you all. I laid down to take a picture next to the "sleeping" pig, and disturbed the dormant giant. The picture was taken in mid flee.

Most of our outreach occured at night in the park. We were told by the police that we could not do any big productions (dramas, music, or preaching) because of Easter week celebrations, so we went to the park every night and simply witnessed one on one. Me on the left, the man we were speaking to in the middle, and Deb Tray (a good friend and missionary) on the right.

This day we climbed an hour and a half to reach a community called Shawyo Grande in the high mountains around Cajamarca. We gave them puppets and acted out the prodical son for them. I had to be the bad son.

Pastor Diego Recarte from Lima now there in Cajamarca. He likes self portraits.

We tried to do some breakdancing with some kids in the park, and we emberassed ourselves. The one on his head is Oscar, a good friend of mine from the jungle. He was our best representative.

I got the sweet opportunity to share at Diego's church the very first morning we arrived. The people were blessed half the time (cause the Lord was speaking), and then confused half the time (because I was also speaking...in Spanish).

A lion, they tried to catch him, but...it was just not possible

A couple of the guys on the team walking in the plaza. Left to right - Katy, Andres, Candy, Orlando, and Daniel. Katy was so happy to be in Cajamarca, she spent almost the whole time just dancing like that. (jokes)