A few of my students from my Spanish Isaiah class. On the right is my commerade Gino, left one of my students Edgar (recently saved and on fire with the Lord), and in the middle Eda.

Jeremy makes a wonderful proverbs 31 man. Our small little group of intern guys (3 of us) had a date night, and Jeremy baked this beautiful wonderful chocolate cake.

These are some of the skateboarders that a man named Marcos Antonio and I have been ministering to every saterday at a park in a place called Ventanilla. Here they are listening to the gospel message at huge soccer skate volley outreach we did in ventenilla. Pray that I may remember their names.

The girl in front is a girl that actually lived in our house with us when we stayed in the jungle for a couple months last summer. Her name is Miriam. She tells us she is still going to church and still walking with the Lord.

A few of our precious students on a precious start of a precious day in our precious devotional time every morning.

The tall guy in the back is Garrett Baker, and heś as bored as heck. A few of the guys at the beach for our yearly aniversary celebration.

Believe it or not this guy is actually falling. No just jokes, a little capoiera (brazilian fight dancing) on the beach.

Little Jason Bonner stepped up to the plate at the Baptism a couple saterdays ago. Here he is baptizing a couple of the kids from the youth group

Im looking at you